February 2023

I always thought it was "pita" bread, but apparently the British English is "pitta". This is also how the BBC spells it here https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/gluten-free_pitta_bread_09625 I think either way is fine though. This was alternative ingredient week on the bake off so the

Here's the recipe for Mary Berry's Spanische Windtorte: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/spanische_windtorte_64745 This recipe uses a total of 12 egg whites. I had a brief think about what I could do with all of those leftover egg yolks but then remembered that you can buy

Before making these baguettes I thought I was going to have another ciabatta disaster like series 5 bread week, so was very careful with reading this recipe (mostly). Here it is https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/paul_hollywoods_55351 The first step was easy because there was no kneading