baking Tag

A tennis cake is a Victorian era fruit cake decorated with a tennis court on the top. Here's the recipe I used for it: I'm not normally a fan of fruit cake so I haven't made one before. I was looking

I didn't really understand what these were before making them, even after doing a little bit of Googling. Here's the recipe I used: There were a few challenges with the ingredients here. I couldn't find the pecorino romano cheese so I

I always thought it was "pita" bread, but apparently the British English is "pitta". This is also how the BBC spells it here I think either way is fine though. This was alternative ingredient week on the bake off so the

Here's the recipe for Mary Berry's Spanische Windtorte: This recipe uses a total of 12 egg whites. I had a brief think about what I could do with all of those leftover egg yolks but then remembered that you can buy

Before making these baguettes I thought I was going to have another ciabatta disaster like series 5 bread week, so was very careful with reading this recipe (mostly). Here it is The first step was easy because there was no kneading

I was feeling greedy when planning to make arlettes so decided these ones would just be for Chris and me. Here's the recipe: The ingredients are pretty basic for this recipe, so no need to go hunting for obscure ingredients like

When I first saw this episode I remember watching the technical challenge and thinking "that looks pretty easy, I could probably do that" and now, 8 years later, we can find out whether my confidence was justified. Here's the recipe: The cake

Another bake I'd never heard of before, Kouign amann. Here's Paul Hollywood's recipe This is a puff pastry but made with yeast so I had no idea how this would turn out. Making the dough was pretty easy because I just used

I was pretty nervous about making this one, a few people had mentioned it to me when talking about my challenge and I wasn't sure how well I could pull it off. Here's a link to the recipe: I got all