Series 6, Episode 3, Baguettes
Before making these baguettes I thought I was going to have another ciabatta disaster like series 5 bread week, so was very careful with reading this recipe (mostly). Here it isĀ https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/paul_hollywoods_55351
The first step was easy because there was no kneading – it was all done in a free standing mixer. I was supposed to use a square tub to prove the dough in but didn’t have one. Here’s the before and after of the dough being proved:
The next issue was that I was supposed to used a linen couche to help to shape the baguettes. I don’t have a linen couche but decided that a clean pillow case would probably do the job, it’s not quite the bed sheet used for the povitica I made (another series 5 classic), bit still slightly unusual. I felt that it worked quite well to hold the baguettes together, here are the before and after proving photos:
My photos aren’t great, I’m not a photographer, you’ll just have to believe me when I say that they’d risen quite well.
Here are all four of them after coming out of the oven:
They were slightly more flat than I would have liked them to be… more like a ciabatta than a baguette (I guess I can make ciabatta after all). They had a good crust on them though and here’s what the insides looked like:
They weren’t the most baguettey looking baguettes I’ve ever seen but they tasted good and new things can be invented all the time anyway.
February 2, 2023
I’ll be round tomorrow to taste them xxx