Series 6, Episode 9, Hot Chocolate Soufflé
Here’s the recipe I used for Mary Berry’s hot chocolate soufflé https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/hot_chocolate_souffle_95703
I took so long to start this one because I didn’t have the correct soufflé ramekin to make it. I ended up getting one that says it holds one “quart” and it was just the right size.
I made the crème pâtissière chocolat in advance, which meant it had time to cool down quite a lot before whipping the eggs. The recipe has clear instructions and everything went as it was supposed to go. Here’s the batter after folding in the egg whites:
I poured it into the ramekin and it filled exactly to the top:
I ran my thumb along the interior rim of the dish as the recipe told me to, but the mixture fell straight back so I’m not sure I did it right. As I was putting it into the oven, a small bit spilled onto the paper collar that I’d tied round the outside. I don’t know how much that affected the rise.
It was supposed to bake for 40-50 minutes but after 50 minutes I could still see a pool of uncooked batter on the top. I eventually had the bright idea of turning it around in the oven in case the heat was uneven, which seemed to do the trick.
Here’s my soufflé all risen:
It has a big crack it it and I don’t think it’s supposed to be domed but it tasted like light, moist chocolate cake. I think it was slightly overcooked and not like what a “proper” soufflé is supposed to look/taste like, but I enjoyed it anyway.
I think if I make it again I’ll try it without the collar and not cook it for as long. Soufflés aren’t as difficult as they make you think, but that’s only if you don’t mind them being cracked and unconventional.