Series 3, Episode 4, Crème Caramel
December was pretty busy for me (and everyone else), so I gave myself a little break from my bake off challenge and gave myself a little bit more baking freedom. I’ve now got back on it and made Mary Berry’s Crème Caramels. Here’s the recipe: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/classic_crme_caramel_44792
I’m not a big fan of crème caramel, so I wasn’t really excited about making it. I asked on Instagram if any of my friends wanted to come and try and and thankfully, some did! I might do something like that again some time, so if you’re interested in tasting one of my future bakes then look out for that (I’m currently only offering this to people I know though, I’m not ready to share this with strangers).
Before I made this, I had a little look on YouTube to see if there were any videos which might be able to give me a few tips. I found this little gem from 1975 https://youtu.be/b__GBChFz0Y
I’ve never made caramel before so I was a little bit worried I’d burn it. When I thought it looked about ready I poured it into the ramekins and let it set. I found the custard quite easy to do, I just followed the recipe carefully and was carefully when pouring it. Here’s a photo of them after they came out of the oven:
They looked as though they were set well, a couple of them had caught a little bit on the top but I wasn’t too concerned about that.
I left them to set overnight in the fridge, then when I turned them out the next day it was a little bit of a struggle. I used a knife to loosen the sides, but there was some caramel remaining in the bottom of all of the ramekins. The caramel which did come out was very pale so definitely not burnt! Here’s a photo of the finished article:
The caramel (or sugar water) was very pale and watery, but you could still taste it! Overall I think they tasted pretty good, the custard was nice and creamy, they just didn’t look that great. I’m definitely going to try making caramel again, possibly not with a crème caramel though, I’m still just not excited about them!
My taste testers gave me positive feedback, that they tasted good but that the caramel was a little pale, there wasn’t much more to say about them!
I’m more excited about the next few bakes I have coming up, I’m aiming for more regular updates now!
January 25, 2020
Love that retro video I watched the whole thing! ‘Shall I whip it off Mary?’ Hahaha!