Series 3, Episode 3, Treacle Tart
Mary Berry’s Treacle Tart, here’s the recipe: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/mary_berrys_treacle_tart_28524
I haven’t made shortcrust pastry often enough to know whether I’m any good at it. I’m not entirely sure how to tell whether the dough is right or not. I think I initially didn’t add enough water so just made a crumbly mess. I added a little more to it, which made it easy to work with, but I’m not sure whether I overworked it. I didn’t roll the pastry for the lattice top out enough so had trouble with cutting long enough strips, I had to squash some bits together to make them fit on!
The filling was pretty easy to make. I only have a hand held blender, so I made a mess when using this to make breadcrumbs, I don’t recommend that!
Here’s a photo of the pie before I put it in the oven
Making the lattice on top was a bit fiddly. I had to do it quickly too because the filling was still warm, I wanted to get it into the oven as soon as possible. You can see where it’s a bit broken but I don’t think it looked too bad!
Here it is after coming out of the oven:
The colour isn’t very even, I think maybe the darker bits were where the filling overflowed a bit. The filling had risen a bit though! Here’s a photo of the innards:
I don’t remember the last time I had a treacle tart so I’m not sure if it tasted how it was supposed to taste but I like it anyway. The lemony flavour came through but not overwhelmingly. Here are some reviews from my friends who tried it:
“Not a soggy bottom!”
“The pastry’s really crispy”
“Top banana!” (there were no bananas in it).
I’m going to try and get another blog in by the end of the year but I have a busy few weeks coming up! I’ll definitely be doing some baking over December, but might need to put my technical challenge on hold for a while. Feel free to follow my Instagram page if you’re interested in seeing more bakes!
December 8, 2019
I think your pastry was perfect!
You didn’t put on my comment that it was your best bake so far haha
Well done 🙂
December 9, 2019
Lily Sparks
I knew I’d forgotten something! I meant to put it in! Thanks for commenting though 🙂