Series 2, Episode 4, Brandy Snaps
I have made brandy snaps before and didn't find them too troubling so I was quite excited about making these. I think an alternative name for this could be "burning circles of torture". The bakers were challenged to make 24 brandy
Series 2, Episode 3, Focaccia
Post 3 of 3 for today! I made this bread yesterday so actually remember what I did, what a treat for your eyes. Here's the recipe: The bakers had 3 and a half hours to bake this and I easily finished
Series 2, Episode 2, Tarte au Citron
I was looking forward to making this, I quite enjoy making pastry, even though I haven't had a lot of practice! Here's the recipe: I decided to make this for a friend having an Eid celebration after Ramadan. She's a big lemon
Series 2, Episode 1, Coffee and Walnut Battenberg
I have been very much lacking in my blog posts lately, but I am back now with a whole new shiny website and THREE new posts! I started series 2 a couple of months ago and just didn't get round
Series 1, Episode 5, Cornish Pasties
23 April 2019 Recipe: Time given to the bakers: 90 minutes Time I took to bake: Just over 3 hours! To make a Cornish pasty you officially need to be in Cornwall. I had the slight disadvantage here of living in Birmingham, so baking
Series 1, Episode 4, Hot Lemon Soufflé
09 April 2019 Recipe: Time given to the bakers: 40 minutes Time I took to bake: About 30 minutes preparation, 14 minutes bake time with some cooling off time in the middle. Before this challenge, I'd only ever eaten a soufflé once. It was
Series 1, Episode 3, Cob
27 March 2019 Recipe: Time given to the bakers: 2 and a half hours Time I took to bake: I forgot to time this! It took me at least 3 hours though! This was the first time I'd ever made a loaf of bread!
Series 1, Episode 2, Scones
28 February 2019 Recipe: Time given to the bakers: 1 hour Time I took to bake: 55 minutes I hadn't made scones for years before this challenge! The last time I tried I failed miserably and ended up with some biscuit type baked goods
Series 1, Episode 1, Victoria Sandwich
10 February 2019 Recipe: Time given to the bakers: Unspecified Time I took to bake: 1 hour 6 minutes I didn't watch the first series of GBBO when it first started. I watched it a few years later and couldn't believe how easy